a beautiful thing



Here are the top ten ways you can tell if you really love someone:

1) You love being around that Person. Every moment you’re with them, every opportunity you’re given, is precious.

2) You really want to be like that Person. Often, when we love somebody, we subconsciously find ourselves acting like them.

3) You’re heart jumps at every mention of that Person, or even something connected with Them.

4) You are not in the least ashamed to say you love that Person to anybody.

5) You’re thoughts are continually returning to that Person, and you find pleasure at the mere remembrance of Their face.

6) You are willing to do anything for that Person, no matter how costly.

7) You love that Person so much, that anyone else, no matter how attractive on the outside, or even on the inside, doesn’t seem to compare.

8 ) You want to show that Person’s loveliness to others, as one with a treasure.

9) Every time you look at that Person, you feel an incredible urge to do anything you can for them.

10) In everything you do, you think about your true Love, and how that which are doing will build the bond between you.

Just something to think on.

New year’s resolutions: I don’t even know what all of mine are yet, but I have a few. I have some I won’t even tell you. iMonk’s are awesome. Jonathan Edwards, of course, are excellent. Here are just a few that I thought of (keep in mind: nothing can be accomplished without Grace):

1) Try to study the Word more in depth. I’m not referring to just devotional time, but actually try to build knowledge of God’s word so you are better fit to serve Him. One of the things I was thinking of was studying more commentaries.

2) Do more in depth scripture memorization. Two great passages that I want to knock out are Romans 8, and, like Martin Luther suggested, Isaiah 53. Not much for one year, I know, but I’m terrible at memorization of any sort.

3) Read more Spiritual and educational books.

4) Grow closer to your brothers and sister’s in Christ, so that your familiar with each one of them when they may need you, and so it is easier to converse with them when your given the occasion. I have had a lot of trouble with this one, and suffered heartache as a result.

5) Search harder for opportunities to serve Christ in a) simple ways. Believe or not, many of the opportunities we miss are not because we turn away, but because we’re not searching; b) in solid ways, especially for people around you every day; c) search for ways to “Do Hard Things”

6) try to do more real, habitual and focused exercise, and try to be more advanced in your physical and athletic abilities by next January.

7) Try to avoid doing anything, saying anything, making any decisions, especially in things that are “allowable”, simply for the sake of shocking certain people.



  1. #1 by Hannah Baggett on January 7, 2009 - 12:40 pm

    WOW! What a post! Thanks for posting this!! When I think about any name from your family or even the name “Riley” My heart jumps for joy! I really love being around your family!! I’m very thankful to have met y’all!!!!


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