the post of thanksgiving past (overcometh writer’s block)

Overcoming writer’s block can be no fun at all.
Mainly because it inevitably involves staring at a keyboard or phone for who knows how long, knowing that one should write something, that such is the thing to do, but the words and ideas refuse to flow.

And then you wonder what the people reading want. You’ve lost all ability to even gauge what that is. Then you wonder if it really matters.
All that being said, we had a delightful Thanksgiving.

Hmmm….where does one begin? Thanksgiving is really one of those Holidays when it is difficult even to attempt to dwell on what went wrong; because for humans, there will never be any situation where giving thanks becomes outdated. “It’s all good in the hood when your praisin’ the Lord” is more than just a catchy phrase; it’s completely true. Our lives, everything about us, comes into focus when we are truly praising God in every circumstance, every which way our feelings direct themselves. Job had it right.
This year’s Thanksgiving was projected to be fairly standard: large group of friends and family (always around fifty), surely some wondrous food of all forms (green bean casserole with mushrooms: as terrible as it sounds, it tastes positively delight) surely a deal of beautiful conversation about the things we were particularly grateful for (I’m thinking of you, dearest Wisconsin people; and you, spiral ham); surely there would be a loud and rowdy game of Taboo. This is Standard thanksgiving.
Drawback 1: fifty people is waaaaay different in a much, much smaller house. You get to know people really well. Up close.
2: It poured down rain like Noah’s time, and the temperature descended like a stereotypical flying saucer onto New York city. Meaning it got really cold, really fast.
3: Last but far from least, as the warm temperatures left us, so did the power. So we had forty people (the early crowd) stuffed into one living room , with the exception of the few that sought solace on the frigid porch. And with a lack of power comes the opportunity for the food to get cold. And various and sundry other unhappy things. (we’re on well water: that sound really nice until the pump has no power).
But the Thanksgiving spirit, thanks be to the Giver of all of all good things, must rise above every occasion. The power returned, the night was good, the joking hysterical, the teaser as always (all for one and fun for all. Or rather free for all); the theological debates more than usually adversarial, but they all had a happy ending; and all was good in the hood. Praise the Lord.
(tip 1: even if there is an expectant sister visiting, avoid at ALL costs any discussion of homebirth. Kids aren’t allowed to try it at home)
(tip 2: see previous)
(tip 3: make the most of your time with every friend you have been given)

  1. #1 by JennyLF on November 29, 2010 - 10:27 am

    Yeah, it was good and certainly memorable, and un-standard. 🙂

  2. #2 by Emily on December 6, 2010 - 1:06 pm

    ‘tip 1: even if there is an expectant sister visiting, avoid at ALL costs any discussion of homebirth. Kids aren’t allowed to try it at home’
    *The comment by this author has been censored by the administrator.*

  3. #3 by Emily on December 8, 2010 - 12:19 pm

    You goofball. There were other things I wanted to say, and didn’t. Give me some credit.

  4. #4 by Emily on December 8, 2010 - 12:20 pm

    Everyone else: What I said wasn’t inappropriate for a family site. Jake’s just an absurd wittle man.:P

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